The New Reality

The world has changed dramatically for contractors. New demands from lenders and tighter budgets from clients have made it more critical than ever for construction estimates to be rock solid, realistic and complete. Tim Clifford’s successful career has given him a wealth of knowledge and experience in all phases the construction industry. He has an intimate relationship with the pitfalls and mistakes that can take a construction company from boom to bust in a blink of the eye. Taking on Tim Clifford as a consultant can help to avoid those perils, especially for newer companies making the move to larger projects.



Construction scheduling is critical and keeping to that schedule is even more so. There will always be issues that compromise schedules. They should be anticipated with “Plan B” options to work around them. Time lost in unnecessary delays caused by a contractor’s inability to keep on schedule or keeping subcontractors choreographed and working in unison can throw a schedule into disarray creating a logjam that can quickly escalate into a disaster.

Tim can be that third set of eyes to catch problems before they escalate. Wasted time and delays will affect your bottom line.

In the End

you can choose option A and have Clifford & Company follow through and complete the project as your primary General Contractor.

Tim Clifford has over 35 years of experience in every facet of real estate development and construction. He is a practical yet imaginative planner. His budgets are inhumanly detailed. He has revived problem properties – and prevented others from becoming problem properties. He is an honest, experienced professional who has built over 2,800 units and entitled over 2,500 more.

The deeper you dig into Tim’s career, the more you will find an individual and company well worth considering to build your project – large or small.